Thursday, October 9, 2008

Student Files: Carlos Gerardo

I spent the first 2 weeks of school thoroughly confused. I have two Carloses: Carlos P. and Carlos G. The good news is that their middle names are different!

Carlos Gerardo is another one of my brainiacs in 5B. He's as neat as a pin. While the other boys' books lay in tatters, he has his fastidiously piled on his desk until class starts.

He straight-up made me laugh the first day we had our Memory Verse recitation in Bible class. I had 5B working happily on a craft and I called them up one by one.

Carlos Gerardo walked purposely to my desk, spat out the first five words, and hit a mental brick wall. He strained and sputtered, winced, shifted his weight at least 8 times, and eventually pled, 'Miss! I knew it! I did!'

I couldn't help but laugh. I gave him 2 more minutes to study. 3 minutes later he told it to me perfectly and smiled.

His favorite class is Math. I have to keep reminding myself NOT to call on him for every question.

1 comment:

The Saragon said...

Kristen! I love your student files! Your blog is so nice too, I feel like I know alot more of what's going on with you. I will definitely be reading your bog.