Monday, December 1, 2008

(Belated) Happy Thanksgiving!

(I totally forgot to post this on the day of, although it was written at the right time. Haha.)

Happy Thanksgiving a todos!

Yesterday the administration took the missionaries to the US Military base just 5 minutes away. EAch year the base puts on a special meal for Thanksgiving and most Americans in the area find a way to go. I was so excited to have a chance to see the base that we've heard about.

School got out early and, after a quick party with my 5B class (each kid brought something to share--cookies, chips, sandwiches), we hopped in cars and drove to the base.

The food=amazing. Good old American Thanksgiving with all the fixings. It was weird to see so many Americans and hear so much English!

Since we're having another Thanksgiving celebration on Sabbath, the SMs decided to make this Thanksgiving truly unique--we're fasting! We met together this morning to consecrate the day with prayer for those in our lives and for families at home.

This will be the only Thanksgiving on which I won't eat anything! :D

I wish you all well this holiday!

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