Ahhhhh.... Carlos Geovanny. This is the second Carlos in 5B, hence, we call him Geovanny.
I don't think I've ever met a crazier kid. He bounces off the walls, all over the place, touching everything, falling everywhere. I call him a sloppy genius--his Math book looks like he scribbled all over it, but all his answers are all correct.
Every week he comes to my desk to tell me the memory verse and puts on a show for the class. I need to take a video of it.
When I call him for his turn he shouts from his desk, "No! Geovanny no come today!" Then he stumbles out of his desk like he's marching towards the guillotine. "No, Miss!" He collapses against the wall behind my desk and waves his hands all over the place. He grabs my arm, pretends to cry, and more likely than not, falls on the floor in a pretty realistic panic. By this time most of the class has stopped working on their worksheet and is laughing histerically. Finally I say, "Geovanny, you have 20 seconds."
When the majority of the class finally ignores his show, Geovanny stands, back against the wall, swaying back and forth, waving his hands like a conductor, and repeats the memory verse flawlessly.
Messy + brilliant + wayyyy too much energy + performer + always happy = Geovanny. :D