Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Student Files: Daniela

Daniela. I think she's a new favorite.

Last partial Daniela didn't pass Math. This partial she's one of my few faithful participants.

"So what kind of fraction is this? Anyone? ....Daniela."

"An improper fraction."

"Very good! And how do we fix an improper fraction? Eduardo, turn around. How do we fix an improper fraction? Alessandro, where's your notebook?"

Daniela's concetrated expression reaches me from the back of the classroom. "Daniela, what do we do?"

"We divide?"

"Very good!"

Last partial her dad was in the US buying products for the family company. When he got back, she couldn't talk about anything else. A lot of families live that way--one parent, or even both parents, work in the US and send money back home, so our kids live in single-parent homes or with their grandparents, aunts, or cousins.

I adore her hardworking, non-complaining, positive attitude, not to mention her quiet teasing. Plus, she's always at the door when I come into class, "Miiiiiss. Good morning! Can I help you?" (As she pries the water bottle out of my hands.) :D

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