Monday, February 2, 2009

Student Files: Alessandro

Ohhh Alessandro. What a kidder.

I'm ashamed to say that last Thursday I let myself get annoyed by his antics when I should've laughed and appreciated his quirkiness.
Eduardo came back to Math class from a bathroom break without his uniform shirt on, only his undershirt. I frowned at him and he explained, "Miss, the cleaning ladies took it to clean it. I spilled food during recess." (As weird as this sounds it actually happens a lot.)
Alessandro spotted Eduardo and demanded to know, "Why is Eduardo in his shirt sleeves???" I told him not to worry about it. His warbly little voice croaked, "There will be a REBELLION!" and he started picking at the collar of his own shirt.
Sternly (it had been LONG day) I told him to be quiet and pay attention. He pulled at a miniscule stain on his shirt; "Miss, my shirt is dirty, too!" Once again I told him to stop and continued my Science lesson.
Less than 5 minutes later I looked back at Alessandro just in time to watch him spill red ink ALL OVER the front of his white uniform shirt! Frustrated, I gasped, "Alessandro! What are you doing?"
Meekly, mischieviously, and with the most angelic little face, he asked, "Can I go get my shirt cleaned?"

I said no.
At lunch I saw him walking around in his undershirt. He persuaded SOME teacher (definitely not ME!) to let him go.
Suddenly, I realized how hilarious the situation was! This kid cracks me up! :D

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