Monday, February 16, 2009


Happy (belated) Valentines Day!

Last week went by fast! We had a mini-party in 5th grade to celebrate Valentines Day on Thursday. Each kid made themselves a special box and then made Valentines for the rest of the class! At lunch they all walked around the classroom, handing out their special cards, heart-shaped lollipops, or candy. It was good to see the kids appreciating their classmates! I can't lie, I probably had just as much fun as they did reading the cards I received!

On Friday the grades went out for 2nd Partial (quarter). This means that classes are cancelled and all the teachers sit at tables in the auditorium for the school day while parents stop by to pick up their kids official grades. Basically, it's an exteded Parent Teacher Conference.

This Sunday we threw a combination Valentines' Banquet and Birthday party for Sasha, one of the missionaries. Chef Heidi cooked some amazing food, Kayla decorated our front room with red streamers, hearts, and Christmas lights, and we all dressed up and had a blast! It was so fun!

Today I'm giving a Science quiz over concepts like Matter and Energy. Oh boy. haha! Is it really February already??

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